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Sunday, July 13, 2014




Doa mohon perlindungan utk Gaza

Monday, July 7, 2014

Nikmati kehadiran Ramadan

Nikmati kehadiran Ramadan 
Post under Agama, Ramadhan di Rabu, Julai 02, 2014 Dicatat oleh Naim Qlate 

SESUNGGUHNYA sudah menjadi tanggungjawab semua umat muslimin untuk meneruskan amal ibadat masing-masing dalam kehidupan termasuklah setiap kali munculnya bulan barakah, Ramadan al-mubarak.

Allah SWT berfirman dalam surah al-Baqarah ayat 183 yang bermaksud: Wahai orang yang beriman, diwajibkan ke atas kamu mengerjakan puasa sebagaimana yang telah diwajibkan kepada orang-orang sebelum kamu. Mudah-mudahan kamu bertakwa."

Bagaikan menunggu tetamu yang istimewa, Ramadan dinanti-nantikan oleh seluruh umat mukmin di seluruh pelosok dunia. Dalam sejarah Islam sendiri, Rasulullah SAW dalam sebuah riwayat dinyatakan bahawa enam bulan sebelum tibanya Ramadan, Rasulullah telah mempersiapkan diri untuk menyambutnya. 

Bahkan bermula Rejab membawa ke Syaaban, baginda telah mengajar para sahabat sebuah doa bagi mendapatkan keberkatan Syaaban sehingga munculnya Ramadan dalam keadaan yang lebih bersedia. Doa tersebut berbunyi: " Ya Allah berkatilah kami pada Syaaban dan sampaikan kami Ramadan."

Bersempena dengan kehadiran Ramadan pada tahun ini, elok kiranya kita sama-sama bermuhasabah bagi merenung sejenak sejauh manakah kita bersiap sedia untuk sama-sama menghayati fadilat Ramadan yang mencakupi aspek emosi, jasmani, rohani dan intelek kita sebagai seorang Muslim, khususnya dalam menjalani ibadat puasa.

Dalam hal ini cuba kita renungi catatan Imam al-Ghazali yang telah membahagikan tahap puasa orang mukmin melalui tiga tahap tertentu:

* Terbaik (khusus al-khusus) - Seseorang Islam yang berjaya mengawal puasanya daripada melakukan segala perkara yang membatalkan puasanya, bukan setakat makan dan minum tetapi mencakupi keseluruhan perbuatan atau tindakan lain yang boleh membatalkan atau mengurangkan pahala puasanya.

* Khusus - Seseorang yang berjaya dan berusaha untuk menahan diri daripada melakukan segala perbuatan yang boleh membatalkan puasanya, tetapi dia masih lagi tidak dapat mencegah diri daripada maksiat batin.

* Umum - Seseorang yang berpuasa dan berusaha untuk menahan diri daripada melakukan apa jua perbuatan yang boleh membatalkan puasanya tetapi masih lagi tidak dapat menghindarkan diri daripada melakukan maksiat zahir dan batin.

Antara punca-punca yang menyebabkan ramai dalam kalangan umat Islam hari ini masih berada di tahap kedua dan ketiga sebagaimana dinyatakan oleh Imam al-Ghazali adalah disebabkan nilai dan mutu kehidupan seseorang itu sendiri yang masih berada di takuk lama, walaupun menyedari sedang meniti hari-hari dalam bulan yang begitu berkat dalam Islam. 

Perbuatan seperti terlalu banyak bercampur dengan rakan-rakan yang melebihkan tumpuan dalam hal keduniaan, hanyut dalam kealpaan dan angan-angan, bergantung harap tidak kepada Allah SWT dengan sepenuhnya dan makan serta tidur yang berlebihan.

Rasulullah SAW dalam sebuah hadis telah bersabda yang bermaksud: Sesiapa yang berpuasa dengan penuh keimanan dan perhitungan, Allah akan mengampuni dosanya yang lalu. (riwayat Muslim)

Dalam sebuah hadis yang lain pula, Rasulullah SAW bersabda yang bermaksud: Apabila kamu berpuasa, maka hendaklah pendengaranmu, penglihatanmu dan lidahmu turut berpuasa daripada segala yang haram. Jauhilah daripada suka menyakiti jiranmu, hendaklah kamu bertenang dan beramal dan jangan biarkan hari tidak berpuasa dan hari berpuasa adalah sama. (riwayat Bukhari)

Bagi memastikan segala pesanan Rasulullah SAW ini dapat kita laksanakan dengan syumul, perkara utama yang harus didahulukan adalah menyiapkan diri untuk memulakan penghidupan yang lebih bermutu dan bernilai sepanjang berada dalam bulan penuh kemuliaan dan keberkatan ini. 

PENULIS ialah Guru Pendidikan Islam di SK Sultan Ibrahim (4), Pasir Mas, Kelantan

Source: Copy Paste from Email

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Story: Self Appraisal

A little boy went into a drug store, reached for a soda carton and pulled it over to the telephone. He climbed onto the carton so that he could reach the buttons on the phone and proceeded to punch in ten-digits (phone numbers).

The store-owner observed and listened to the conversation:

Boy: 'Lady, Can you give me the job of cutting your lawn?

Woman: (at the other end of the phone line): 'I already have someone to cut my lawn.'

Boy: 'Lady, I will cut your lawn for half the price of the person who cuts your lawn now.'

Woman: I'm very satisfied with the person who is presently cutting my lawn.

Boy: (with more perseverance): 'I'll even sweepyour curb and your sidewalk, so on Sunday you will have the prettiest lawn in all of Palm beach, Florida.'

Woman: No, thank you.

With a smile on his face, the little boy replaced the receiver.
The store-owner, who was listening to all this, walked over to the boy.

Store Owner: 'Son... I like your attitude; I like that positive spirit and would like to offer you a job.'

Boy: 'No thanks'.

Store Owner: But you were really pleading for one.

Boy: No Sir, I was just checking my performance at the job I already have. I am the one who is working for that lady, I was talking to!'

Sorce: Copy paste from Email

Easy and Difficult

Easy is to judge the mistakes of others.
Difficult is to recognize our own mistakes.

Easy is to talk without thinking.
Difficult is to refrain the tongue.

Easy is to hurt someone who loves us.
Difficult is to heal the wound...

Easy is to forgive others.
Difficult is to ask for forgiveness.

Easy is to set rules.
Difficult is to follow them...

Easy is to admire a full moon.
Difficult to see the other side...

Easy is to promise something to someone.
Difficult is to fulfill that promise...

Easy is to think about improving.
Difficult is to stop thinking it and put it into action

Saturday, July 5, 2014

7 Ways to Build Effective Social Skills

Do you feel awkward in conversations with people? Are you having a difficult time of pinpointing why? Do feel it's impossible to forge lasting and meaningful connections with other kids and adults, no matter the situation? If your answer to any of these questions is "yes", then you need to look at how you attempt to interact with others, and see how your social skills can be improved to get you out there and interacting with people in no time. Here are seven proven tips to improve your social skills and get you out there.

Many of the problems that come with poor social skills is the mistaken understanding that we look to others to validate our own emotions and worth. This is incorrect. You and you alone are responsible for the state of your own emotions, no matter what awful things someone might say to you. Be a mature adult (or kid) and take responsibility. 

People are not rational creatures, they are rationalizing creatures. Most awkward social interaction stems from one person attempting to logically interpret the actions or emotions of the other person, when logical simply doesn't apply. Stop trying to be logical, and much if not all of the frustration you feel will melt away.

Socially awkward people often have a problem with learning their mental filter, and controlling their compulsion to say whatever crosses their mind, positive or negative. Learn to control your need to criticize others. Criticism is a bad verbal communication habit.

Social interaction would be easy if everyone simply wanted to talk about the other person. Alas, it rarely works that way. Learn to be interested in other people, and find the best ways to get them interested in learning about you, without volunteering to do it for them.

Try to become more of an extrovert if you're introverted (even though biologically this is impossible), in all facets of your life, and shift your focus away from yourself and towards the needs of others.

Along the lines of the previous point, do not blame others for your own ability to communicate or interact socially. You alone are responsible for fostering good social skills in yourself.

No one likes to be around negative people, and nothing inhibits social interaction or growth more quickly than your own negative attitude. Try to keep the condemnations and complaints to a minimum in any and all conversations.

Social skills can be tough for kids and adults. In this article are seven proven tips to improve your social skills and get you out there socializing well with others.

Follow the seven tips for effective social skills and you'll be easily making friends in no time. You can also learn about a helpful resource called Elite Social Control.

Article Source: PositiveArticles.Com does not vouch for or necessarily endorse the contents of this article

4 Secrets To Get Along With Difficult People

We all have difficult people in our lives. You know—the ones you dread talking to; the ones you try to avoid at all costs. They may be your ex-spouse, a co-worker, or a family member; they may be a bully, a control freak, passive-aggressive or someone who loves to play the role of victim.

So, how do we deal with these people? How can we work together productively, whether in a parenting, a working, or a family relationship?
Here are a few secrets to being able to keep your cool when dealing with that difficult person in your life:

1. Know Your Triggers
Self-knowledge is powerful.
We all have subjects and idiosyncrasies that push our buttons, and I can almost guarantee that the difficult person in your life knows what those are—but do you? Spend some time exploring what really ticks you off. Is it when somebody talks about politics, money, or your family? 
Once you have your list of those trigger buttons, you are ready to arm yourself.
Create a plan. What will you do when the conversation steers dangerously close to one of your buttons?
You can practice deep breathing, take a short time-out, walk away from the conversation, or any combination of the three. Whatever allows you to center yourself and regain your focus on the purpose of the conversation will work.

2. The STOP Phrases
If you are having a conversation with a difficult person and you just want it to end, these phrases seem to do the trick (or at least take the wind out of the other person's sails).
"Sorry you feel that way."
"That's your opinion."
"Perhaps you're right."
If you just repeat these phrases over and over during the conversation, eventually the other person will give up trying to get you to join the argument.

3. Resist the Temptation to get Sucked In
Difficult people want to engage you: don't fall for that trap. Listen to what you're saying: are you trying to justify, argue, defend, or explain your position? If you are, stop. If you don't, the conversation will just continue to go around in circles. You will never change the mind of a difficult person—otherwise you probably wouldn't be seeing them as "difficult."

4. The Big One
While the 3 secrets above can help you to avoid or get out of an uncomfortable conversation with a difficult person, there is one secret that can truly change your relationship with that person in your life: that secret is, that they are human, and are dealing with their own issues and their own crap that they're bringing to the table.
Their difficult behaviors are benefiting them in some way that helps them deal with those issues, and most of the time their behavior has nothing to do with you.

A person might feel more secure when they are bullying someone or controlling others, or they might feel a sense of importance when they're getting a lot of attention—even negative attention. They might try to gain a sense of belonging by playing the victim and getting others to help them, or someone who's inflicting hurt and provoking hostility might be trying to protect his own sense of identity.

If we take the time to figure out what unconscious beliefs may be behind someone's difficult behavior, we may be able to change our interaction with them and improve our relationship. Once you figure out what may be driving their behavior, you can begin to try different ways to help them get their emotional needs met without resorting to that behavior any longer.
The main idea here is to tap into your empathy pool and realize that the person you see as the bane of your existence is just another human being trying to get along as best they can.

A Final Thought
Yes, sometimes we have to disengage in order to save our sanity, but keep in mind that everybody is doing the best they can with the emotional tools they have at their disposal. It is possible to get past our reactions to their difficult behaviors so that we may be able to do our part in building a calmer, more productive relationship, and in the end, this is all we can truly control—our own reactions.

You never know—one day, you may actually look forward to seeing these people.

source: Lifehacker

Friday, July 4, 2014

Al-quran Boleh Meningkatkan IQ Bayi

السلام عليكم . بِسْــــمِ ﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم.لا إله إلاَّ الله.محمد رسو ل الله
الحمد لله رب العا لمين. الصلاة و السلام على رسو ل الله.اما بعد

Padam zaman yang maju ini, pelbagai jenis produk susu yang telah dikeluarkan oleh pelbagai syarikat, seperti Dumex, Nutrilon, Sustagen Junior yang berada di Malaysia, Ini adalah tujuaan untuk menjadikan bayi mempunyai minda yang cemerlang.

Persoalannya disini, berapa ramai ibubapa yang sedar bahawa Al-quran adalah segala-galanya. Al-quran boleh merangsang minda anak-anak kecil seribukali lebih hebat dari produk-produk susu yang terdapat pada hari ini.

Ternyata Al-Qur’an dapat merangsang tingkat inteligensia (IQ) anak, yakni ketika bacaan ayat-ayat Kitab Suci itu diperdengarkan dekat mereka. Dr. Nurhayati dari Malaysia mengemukakan hasil penelitiannya tentang pengaruh bacaan Al-Qur’an dapat meningkatkan IQ bayi yang baru lahir dalam sebuah Seminar Konseling dan Psikoterapi Islam sekitar tujuh tahun yang lalu.

Dikatakannya, bayi yang berusia 48 jam saja akan langsung memperlihatkan reaksi wajah ceria dan sikap yang lebih tenang. 

Source: Copy Paste from Email

6 Travel Destinations In The Philippines You’ve Never Heard Of

Your Instagram feed is filled with amazing photos of Boracay or even Caramoan Islands where reality TV show "Survivor" was shot (multiple times), but have you heard of these travel destinations?

1. Mount Guiting-Guiting, also known as 'Saw-Tooth Mountain', is the highest point of Sibuyan island and is surrounded by lush, untouched forests

One of the most difficult climbs in the Philippines is a hike to Mt. Guiting-Guiting - this is because of the steep, jagged ridge called "Knife Edge" which one has the cross in order to reach the summit, not to mention the ensuing rock formations with colourful names such as "Kiss the Wall".
2. With half of it being hills and mountains, Batanes is the northernmost province of the Philippines rich in culture and history

In many ways, the Ivatan house is perhaps the one artefact that reveals the most about Ivatan culture, history and life. The limestone walls were a Spanish addition to strengthen native homes against earthquakes that often ravaged the land (Mt Iraya, the highest peak in Batanes, is an active volcano).

3. Batad is a UNESCO World Heritage site and a village of fewer than 1,500 people with rice terraces that date back as far as two thousand years

The terraces of Batad are a stunning scene to behold, sculpted like giant staircases from the mountains of Ifugao. Considered a backpackers Mecca by many, the rice terraces are a worthwhile journey.
4. Cuatro Islas is a precious gem of Hindang, Leyte, and a marine sanctuary undiscovered by many

The island was so pretty. The sandbar had fine white-pink sand, and the water was crystal clear. No other tourists were around. One can walk around the island in 20 minutes.
5. Biri Rock Formation is composed of four small, rocky islands located where the San Bernardino Strait meets the Pacific Ocean and is estimated to have been formed over 5-23 million years

Northern Samar is blessed just like other well-known Philippine destinations. Biri Rock Formations in the island municipality of Biri is one of the province’s prime attractions.The three most commonly visited formations are Magasang, Magsapad, and Macadlao. From the shore, you have to walk on small (and mostly sharp) rocks before reaching them.
6. Only three islands out of the 124 (123 at high tide) that make up Hundred Islands have been developed for tourism

Alaminos in Pangasinan is riddled with utterly captivating forest green coral islands hugged by cerulean waters, which for the most part, are blissfully deserted. Comprised of 123 sun-kissed islets that houses varied wildlife, the Hundred Islands is the poster boy of the province.The lesser known Shell Island is hugged by cream sands and a shallow lagoon fringed by rock formations. Marcos Island is a favorite spot for cliff jumping because of its stunning underwater cave with emerald green waters. As their name suggests, Monkey Island is inhabited by monkeys while Bat Islands is inhabited by bats, but the Turtle Island however doesn’t have turtle residents but is shaped like this timid animal.

SOURCE: PhilippinesTourism &

Worries & Prayers

Prayer is not a "spare wheel" that you pull out when in trouble, but it is a "steering wheel" that directs the right path throughout.

Do you know why a Car's WINDSHIELD is so large & the Rear view Mirror is so small?
Because our PAST is not as important as our FUTURE. Look Ahead and Move on.

Friendship is like a BOOK. It takes few seconds to burn, but it takes years to write.

All things in life are temporary. If going well, enjoy it, they will not last forever. If going wrong, don't worry, they can't last long either.

Old Friends are Gold! New Friends are Diamonds! If you get a Diamond, don't forget the Gold! Because to hold a Diamond, you always need a Base of Gold!

Often when we lose hope and think this is the end, however, in actual it should be, "Relax, sweetheart, it's just a bend, not the end!

A blind person asked a wise person "Can there be anything worse than losing eye sight?" He replied: "Yes, losing your vision!"

WORRYING does not take away tomorrows' TROUBLES, it takes away today’s' PEACE.
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