For almost 2 years not having a so called holiday, I managed to fly away from KL to Kuala Terengganu from 22th to 24th June 2012 for a short escapism. It was actually my five times here and this time it is more to rilex and lepak with my two good friend,
Kyle and Fazhan.
They will manage Smart Collection EDP perfume in Kuala Terengganu.
Great silk batik hand and machine painting at Desa Murni |
And hopefully can supply Batik Silk from Desa Murni to Sabah.
Kyle doing a purchase for his mother. While a famous Erra Fazira is Desa Murni Ambassador |
Holidays to Terengganu would not considered as complete without having their most famous local dish which is Keropok Lekor.
BTB 2209. I came here two years ago but this time they use numbering system to queue for an order. I think the system is not good enough to cater the long waiting customer. Its take approximately 15 minutes just to move to another number! So Kyle and I make a move to another shop. |
I do not remember the shop's location and name but it takes around 20 minutes to arrived from BTB 2209. We can taste for free here. They sell 50 cent for a single bar of keropok lekor but the size is smaller than BTB 2209. However the length is still the same. Size doesn't matter but the quantity is and it is good enough to bring home for my friends and family. |
Kyle and Fazhan also drove me for about 1 and half hour from Kuala Terengganu to Kota Bahru to have lunch at a local famous Nasi Ulam Cikgu Kraf Tangan, Kota Bahru. The crunchy of fried ikan keli, fried chicken, ulam-ulam, the melting sambal belacan and the famous budu really fulfill the hunger. The taste is awesome eventough it just look like a normal kampung dishes. From the taste I can put the place as the must visit place in Kota Bahru, Kelantan. |
On our way home back to Kuala Terengganu, we stop by at the road side after looking at 1 food stall selling Maggi Ketam. After a small chit chat with the stall owner and a visit at the stall kitchen and store, why not to try. RM31 for 2 plain water, 1 lai chee and 2 bowls of maggi ketam, the price for three of us. |
In the blink of an eye, my Meggi Ketam gone! |
Thank you to Fazhan and Kyle for the great food and weekend.
Alhamdulillah, my target to reached RM500 after the holiday achieved! PERHATIAN! Sila gunakan cara yang betul untuk mendapatkan unique clicks. Mulai hari ini, shout box akan dikeluarkan dari blog ini sebab 90% link yang ditinggalkn adalah shorten url utk iklan-iklan I'm sorry but no sorry for you. Please leave your link in my comment form and I will come back for you. |
Ketam? Sedapnya.... Salam kenal...
salam kenal jgk ^-^
wahhhhhh besttnya jalan jalan dan cuti cuti malaysia ;)
Salam Ali,
interesting...restoran menu ala kampong tu dan mee megi ketam. Ketam nipah pulak tu!
Datang segmen Mak Dara :
never been but always wanted to go there!!!
singgah dari segmen mak dara!
sorry lambat!
Maggi ketam???
Oh my I kena cuba bila balik Kelantan ni huhuhu
holidays ! may u have so much fun
wah!!! banyaknya income...leh belanjo p makan ketam nanti nih...huhu
Mooniqueen - Thx singgah :)
Ahlam Miera - Salam kenal )
Adza Irdawaty - Bertambah best Kak sbb byr tambang saja heheh
Kak Halima - Xtau nak kata lagu mana... susah nak makan. complicated heheh
Waalid5035 - Salam kenal juga waalid...
Mr. E'raz - Thx singgah
Fathiah Hamim - Later u shud go. So near yet so far.
Azham - Coba la untuk coba heheh
Miss klanika - Thx :)
Suhaimi - Dah ajak lama tp sibuk memanjang jaga cicit
oit!!!!! x sedar ade gambar aku...hahahaha
Kyle - Tgh control macho mana nak sedar aku snap gambar....
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