My Followers

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

What is a friend? Someone who...

I got this special e-mail from one of my special friends. Really appreciate it.

A - accepts u as u are
B - believes in u
C - calls u just to say 'Hi'
D - doesn't give up on u
E - envisions the whole of u
F - forgives ur mistakes
G - gives unconditionally
H - helps u
I - inspires u to be the best u can be
J - just happy to be with u
K - keeps u close at heart
L - loves u for who u are
M - makes a difference in ur life
N - never judges
O - offers support
P - picks u up
Q - quiets ur fears
R - raises ur spirits
S - says nice things about u
T - tells u the truth when u need to hear it
U - understands u
V - values u
W - walks beside u
X - explains things u don't understand
Y - yells when u won't listen
Z - zaps u back to reality


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