My Followers

Sunday, September 26, 2010

How Pirate KL Connected to the World

I'm used to use TM Net Streamyx (1.0 Mbps) few years back 2007-2009 as it was sponsored by my housemate, Baharin eventough I'm the one who actually subscribed for the service during Matta Fair at PWTC. Then from Streamyx, I moved on using Maxis Broadband after Baharin decided to reduce his monthly cost.

Actually Baharin replaced the internet connection from Streamyx to Maxis Broadband after he managed to be part of Maxis Communication Bhd at plaza Sentral, KL Sentral. Being part of a permanent staff, he entitled with free RM350 data usage and RM350 for calls every month (i'm only a 3rd party staff in Maxis). We used to work in the same company, same building but with different department before I joined Sapura Secured Technology, Wangsa Maju in September 2008. He left Maxis for a better opportunity end of 2009. With the RM350 usable data usage, he subscribed himself an unlimited data for his I-Phone, USB Stick Maxis Broadband and Maxis Broadband for house service. Unfortunately, the Maxis Broadband for our house was not so well perform maybe because of the location or the weak service itself. So Baharin terminate the service at our house.

To settle the issue (I'm still offline at home), my close friend, Iwan who are also part of permanent staff at Maxis (Sunway Call Centre) offered me with his USB Stick Maxis Broadband service for free. Since the day,  I'm used to connect to the internet anywhere, anytime eventough I was surrounded by trees at my kampung (only manage to get GPRS & EDGE signal). However, it is sad to say that the service of Maxis Broadband are quite bad even I'm using it straight from the Maxis Telecommunication Tower. I believe the location will not trouble the signal strength of my internet connection but it was not true at all. By the way, I'm the one myself who part of the Maxis team that manage to on air the 3G service via the Telecommunication Tower at Damansara Damai (where i'm currently). The signal service no to say only in Damansara Damai, I believe many more places having such the same problem, slow connectivity. It was not a permanent problem as sometimes the service are at it's best. The intermittent service make me sick with the Maxis Broadband services but since it is free, I still use it everyday (no choice la...). 

Then I have an option. As part of Celcom Business  P48 user, I'm decided to change my Celcom Business package to P148 (after considering my average Celcom bill already around RM150 every month) as it will serve me with 3.6Mbps free unlimited data usage, free 50 hours Executive Pax voice and video calls within my company who are also under the Celcom Business, 10 sen/min to all networks, free 300 SMS within network, with SMS Pack subscription at RM2/month I am also manage to SMS at RM0.02 sen within same network. With my Nokia 5800 XM (bought using my office RM500 handphone subsidies during a month of the phone launching day), now i'm connected to the world for 24 hours anytime and anywhere. With the service, I returned back the Maxis Broadband to Iwan. 

Ermm.. there is still but... Using my Nokia 5800 XM as phone as a modem limit me to fully use the 3.6Mbps speed. So I bought a Broadband USB Stick but one more problem occurred. My sim card scratched and damaged as it was always pull out and push in both in the phone and the modem. Now my phone and the USB stick cannot detect the celcom network. This is the biggest problem of all but lucky me, to solve the problem I just need to go to any Celcom Branches  to get the new sim card with minimum charges. Since then, i'm not using the USB stick any longer and keep thinking to giveaway to a lucky blogger one day :). It's worth RM130++

After one of my nephew being part of TM, he got a special staff rate for all service provided by TM. And since Damansara Damai was covered with Unifi (new High Speed Broadband from TM), I decided to subscribe the VIP20 Unifi service.
What is VIP20?
V - Video or Internet Protocol Television (Hypp TV) - 21 channels
I - High Speed Internet - 20 Mbps speed
P - Phone (Voice Service) - no rental

That is all for today. Later, I will share more exclusively all about Unifi service by TM after almost two months connecting to the internet, watching the tv and talking through the fixed line via the High Speed Broadband Unifi.

See yeah!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Happiness or Sadness?

Every human being has the right to choose how they feel; you can choose happiness or sadness.

You may be depressed or heartbroken, over something that may have happened to you or something you did a long time ago, maybe even years ago, to yourself or to others. But you need not stay in that depressed state any longer.

There is no need to carry that pain any longer inside of your heart, day after day, year after year. You must not let it grow continuously because soon enough, that one issue you are sad or depressed about will turn into your normal way of thinking. Negative thinking has a domino effect!

When one door closes in life, another one will open, but if you do not let go of the pains of yesterday, the joys of today and tomorrow will never, ever be discovered. They will be overshadowed by your misery. You must let go of the past to be happy. There is no ifs, ands, or buts!!!!!!!

Quit living negatively in the past, and focus on what you can do about today and in the future. You see, what happened in the past, you have no control of, today. You cannot do a thing about it, so why live there?

Start living and loving the things you can control such as this beautiful day or maybe call a friend that you had a relationship with that turned bad and re-kindle it. Go out and create joyous experiences and turn happiness into a constant way of thinking.

Enough is enough... Do you not agree??

Do not let the torments and regrets of yesterday live in you deep enough, to cover your progression and happiness for today.

What do you think?

E-Dictionary Software for Everyone

Dear friends,

You may now check the meaning of the word while surfing the web, chatting, preparing documents and office. It is very easy - just double-clicking to get the meaning of the word you want without having to type a word by word.

Please bring home one. It was specially designed for the people who loves travelling, students, executives, professionals, teachers, and whoever loves to add their new skill in languages.

Grab one for you and your loves one :)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Why I'm So Tired?

I'm so tired; I just can't do what I used to do. I'd love to but honestly, I just don't have the energy. Why I feel so tired? So tonight I'm going to get a full quality of sleep at 11PM and will try to wake up around 6AM. Sigh...

Saturday, September 18, 2010

I will always love you, Christian The Lion

Clearly shows that animals have feeling and memory. How about us, humans?

Love knows no limits and true friendships last a lifetime...

Friday, September 17, 2010

Secrets by One Republic

To my dear all friends out there, still tonight I would like to share my favorites song that I'm used to hear and sing  while doing my blogwalking activities everyday. This is the Official Music Video by One Republic. Enjoy...


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Utada Hikaru First Love Theme Song

Love this song very much. Enjoy :)

Happy Malaysia Day

For once, maybe we could stop thinking of the bad things and start remembering the good things, even for a little while. Little incidents and encounters that make us so Malaysian, that shape our warm and generous ways, that make us happy that we live in this country and not anywhere else.

In the name of humanity, we must commit ourselves to create a better world for ourselves and for the people who will come after us. 16 September, our beautiful Malaysia Day. Love for being Malaysian.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Three Strategies to Ensure Smooth Traffic by PLUS

PLUS Expressways Berhad (PLUS) will implement three specific strategy to ensure the public enjoy a safe, smoother and comfortable journey during the forthcoming Hari Raya Aidlifitri holidays.                                                                                             

The strategies include traffic distribution, customer convenience and efficient traffic management system. At a press conference held at Persada PLUS to announce PLUS preparations for the festive season, Managing Director Noorizah Hj Abd Hamid said, ”We expect traffic on the North-South Expressway to increase by 30 percent to 1.4 million vehicles a day compared to 1.1 million vehicles on normal days for this upcoming festive season.” 

1) Traffic Distribution 
In coping with the increase in traffic and ensuring smoother traffic flow, PLUS has came up with a ravel Time Advisory (TTA) to assist the public in planning their journey during the holidays. The TTA consists of recommended travelling times for various destinations from Klang Valley to major states and town in Kedah, Perlis, Pulau Pinang, Perak, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka and Johor. 

This effort is suggested to distribute traffic and reduce congestion on main routes of the highway, toll plazas and rest and service areas during peak hours.  

(Kindly refer to the Travel Time Advisory attached in Attachment A) 

The TTA was first introduced by PLUS in 2007 and is based on careful analysis of travel patterns during past festive seasons. It has proven to be a major factor in contributing to smoother traffic on highways during festive period. “For example, during last years celebration of Hari Raya Aidilfitre, approximately 50 percent of highway users followed the TTA suggested by PLUS. Therefore, we hope that the public will continue to cooperate by following the schedule released for the upcoming Hari Raya Aidilfitri,“ said Nik Airina. 

2) Users comfort 
In order to ensure users of the highway enjoy a comfortable journey on the upcoming festive season, PLUS will also take the listed initiatives: -

Reload lane
Reload lanes at toll plazas will be closed from 6-9 and 16-19 September to avoid congestion at toll plazas.
Reload ’n Go counters (7 locations that will be opened specifically for Hari Raya)
Open on 6-9 and 16-19 September at selected R&R to enable highway users to reload their Touch’n Go or PLUSMiles card.
PLUS will appoint 3,000 employees at toll plazas.
Toll counters
1,000 toll counters will be open to ease toll payment transactions.
Supporting staff
400 supporting staff such as RELA will be deployed to strategic locations along the highways, toll plazas and rest and service areas to assist with traffic management
Emergency services
120 fire department personnels, Police, St John Ambulance, Red Crescent Society and Public Defense Department will be place at 12 strategic location 24 hours daily.

3) Efficient traffic management PLUS will also open emergency lanes at specific locations to reduce traffic congestions.

Routes: -
1)    KM308.2 - KM302.8 (North Bound)
Tapah – Gopeng
2)    KM291.4 - KM294.5 (South Bound)
Simpang Pulai Lay-by (South Bound) – Gopeng
3)    KM312 - KM317 (South Bound)
Gunung Tempurung Lay-By (South Bound) – Tapah
4)    KM375.6 – KM362.5 (North Bound)
Behrang Lay-By (North Bound) – Sungkai
5)    KM339.8 – km348.5 (South Bound)
Bidor – Ladang Bikam Layby (South Bound)
6)    KM281 – KM263.5 (South Bound)
7)     KM260 – KM278 (North Bound)
Port Dickson – Seremban Rest and Service Area

9 – 11 September

12, 16 – 19 September

12, 16 – 19 September

9 – 11 September

16 – 19 September

12, 16 – 19 September
12, 16 – 19 September

In addition, PLUS will also provide the latest traffic updates through the short messaging system (plusMA), increase the frequency of PLUSRonda’s patrolling and position tow truck services on strategic locations along the highway.  ”We advise the public to plan their journey and contact the PLUSLine toll free number at 1800 88 0000 for the latest traffic informations,” Noorizah added.

Meanwhile Ismail urged the public to follow the TTA in planning their journey to facilitate smoother traffic flow along the highway. ”We hope that the public will continue to cooperate by following the TTA which is a pro-active initiative by PLUS to provide a safer, smoother and more comfortable journey during the upcoming festive season,” Ismail said.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Things that need to be done TODAY

These are the things that need to be done today!

  1. Wash all the smelly clothes :) - Done
  2. Joining Lipor & Yoyie at MATTA FAIR, PWTC - Cannot join to settle the most priority
  3. Surveying for HTC DESIRE or HTC WILDFIRE to get the best price
  4. To send my Nokia 5800 Express Music at Nokia Care, One Utama - Done
  5. Make some payment at Cash Deposit Machine (RHB & OCBC) - Done
  6. To change burnt car radio fuse at Proton Service Mutiara Damansara - Done
  7. To service my car air-cond at Tam Motorsport, Prima Damansara - Done
  8. Going to Jalan TAR with my housemate and x-housemate - Cancelled. Don't want to stuck there
  9. To buy computer speaker at All It, Ikano or at e-Curve - Done. Altec Lansing from all IT, Ikano
Will update if got any additional

Enjoy your weekend!!! :)

Friday, September 3, 2010

What is YOUR priority?


  1.  priority
    [Noun] Something important that must be done as soon as possible.
    Example: Amanda's grandmother had an operation straight away as she was a priority case.
    Found on

  2.  priority
    [n] - preceding in time
    Found on

  3.  Priority
    the right of way gained by the fencer at foil and sabre by extending the sword arm and continually threatening the opponent's target
    Found on

  4.  Priority
    the right of way gained by the fencer at foil and sabre by extending the sword arm and continually threatening the opponent's target
    Found on

  5.  priority
    A number assigned to an event or device which determines the order in which it will receive service.By convention,0 is the highest priority(usually assigned to power-fail detection).Also called a priority level. Category: Automation (includes telecommunications and computers) • a service control which specifies the priority of a request(low,medium,high)for the service.This is not a gua…
    Found on

  6.  Priority
    Pri·or'i·ty noun [ Confer French priorité . See Prior ,adjective ] 1. The quality or state of being prior or antecedent in time, or of preceding something else; as,priority of application. 2. Precedence; superior rank. Shak. Priority of debts , a superior claim to payment, or a claim to payment before others. â€¦
    Found on 

  7.  priority
    antecedence noun preceding in time
    Found on

  8.  Priority
    `Priority` may refer to: * Priority date, a concept of establishing waiting times in the immigration process by United States Department of State * Priority level, the priority of emergency communications * Priority Records, a record label started in 1985 and acquired by Capitol Records * Priority right, a time-limited right, triggered by the first filing of an application for a patent * Priority signs, a traffic sign that specifies which route ...
    Found on

  9.  Priority
    • (a.) Precedence; superior rank. • (a.) The quality or state of being prior or antecedent in time, or of preceding something else; as, priority of application.
    Found on

  10.  priority
    priority 1. The state of having most importance or urgency: 'The judge wanted to give this case priority treatment. 2. Someone or something that is ranked highly in terms of importance or urgency: 'It is essential that we get our priorities right.' 3. The right to be ranked above others. 4. The situation of having preceded something.
    Found on

  11.  Priority
    Used for listed equity securities. System used in an auction market, in which the first bid or offer price is executed before other bid and offer prices, even if subsequent orders are larger. NYSE rules stipulate that the bid made first should be executed first, or if two bids came in at once, the bid for the large number of shares receives 'p...
    Found on

  12.  Priority
    Referring to listed equity securities, priority, or preference, is given to the offer that is higher when two offers come in at the same time. Discover What It’s Like to Live Easy With EquiTrend
    Found on

  13.  priority

    1. status established in order of importance or urgency
    2. preceding in time

    Found on 

  14.  Priority
    For a continuation, method of arranging the tested lists and list segments in descending order on the basis of number of responses or number of dollars of sales per thousand pieces mailed; for political mail, a special next-day delivery service offered by the Postal Service.
    Found on

  15.  priority
    The level of (business) importance assigned to an item, e.g. defect.…
    Found on

  16.  priority
    place value within a ranking order that determines at the moment of decision which action is to be performed next, when parallel actions are requested simultaneously NOTE - The most important control functions acting on a process usually get the following sequence of priorities. In this table, the control function with the lower number has the high...
    Found on

  17.  priority
    the possibility of setting up a call from a nominated terminal on a private network or closed user group, by assigning to it, at each stage of selection, priority over all other calls of lower priority that are in the process of being established. The possibility may apply either to every call or only to nominated calls from such a privileged termi...
    Found on

  18.  Priority
    The condition of being earlier in a succession of events. This condition is meaningful only in the past-present-future series relative to a given event or experience. In its logical sense, the term signifies a condition without which something else cannot be understood, explained, or thought of. -- R.B.W.
    Found on

  19.  Priority
    Going before; opposed to posteriority. He who has the precedency in time has the advantage in right, is the maxim of the law; not that time, considered barely in itself, can make any such difference, but because the whole power over a thing being secured to one person, this bars all others from obtaining a title to it afterwards. In the payment...
    Found on

  20.  Priority
    Advantage in right to be ahead or going before the others in the claims.For eg. the oldest of the creditors has the right to claims ahead of newer creditors.
    Found on

  21.  priority
    n. the right to be first or ahead of the rights or claims of others. In bankruptcy law, the right to collect before other creditors is given to taxing authorities, judgment holders, secured creditors, bankruptcy trustees and attorneys. The right also can apply to mortgages, deeds of trusts or liens given priority in the order they were recorded (in...
    Found on

Something is so important that it is more important than not only most everything else but even most of your priorities. 

So, what is your priority?

Thursday, September 2, 2010

NO Speak English

A Russian woman married a Canadian gentleman and they lived happily ever after in Toronto. The poor lady was not very proficient in English, but did manage to communicate with her husband. The real problem arose whenever she had to shop for groceries. 

One day, she went to the butcher and wanted to buy chicken legs. She didn't know how to put forward her request, so, in desperation, clucked like a chicken and lifted up her skirt to show her thighs. Her butcher got the message and gave her the chicken legs. 

Next day she needed to get chicken breasts, again she didn't know how to say it, so she clucked like a chicken and unbuttoned her blouse to show the butcher her breasts. The butcher understood again and gave her some chicken breasts. 

On the 3rd day, the poor lady needed to buy sausages. Unable to find a way to communicate this, she brought her husband to the store...

(Please scroll down)

What were you

Her husband speaks English!

Now get back to work.

I worry about you

Ramadhan 5 Top Followers Award!

My second award this week received from Ramadhan

No doubt. I love to visit his blog as it contains variety of writing, his personal life, issues, items to downloads, tips and others. Thanx again bro!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Yoyie & Lipor

Hye everyone!

Today I would like to introduce Yoyie and Lipor to you. Both are my officemate and still new in this blogging arenas.

Lipor has been here around a month ago but was not so active as she is so busy with her 'boyfriend' - Swift.  Visit her at and you can find a really nice original branded items been sold there with an impressive price. On top of that, I think she also would interested to make new friend with you :)

Yoyie had just created his blog few hours ago. I think he deeply felt so challenged with me and Lipor as almost of the time we are talking about blogging and he need to shut his mouth! hahhahaha... As Lipor promoting his branded handbags, nice necklace and so on... Yoyie is still writing to introduce himself (is he promoting himself????) :p

To Yoyie and Lipor, welcome to blogging world.

Feel free to say hi to them.
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