My Followers

Monday, March 31, 2008

Kenyataan Akhbar Dari Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia Berhubung Isu Penayangan ‘FITNA’ Yang Menghina AL-Quran


Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia (PPIM) membantah tindakan penayangan filem FITNA oleh ahli Parlimen Belanda, Geert Wilders yang secara terang – terangan menghina Al – Quran.

Tindakan biadap dan keji ini merupakan satu bentuk penghinaan terhadap umat Islam di seluruh dunia dan perlu dikutuk oleh semua masyarakat Islam di negara ini. Tindakan tidak bertanggungjawab serta boleh mengeruhkan keamanan dunia dan perhubungan di antara agama ini perlu dibantah oleh masyarakat pengguna Islam.

PPIM bersama dengan ahli Majlis Permuafakatan Antara NGO (MAPAN) menggesa masyarakat pengguna Islam di negara ini melancarkan boikot terpilih produk keluaran Belanda bagi menyuarakan bantahan secara aman terhadap penghinaan serta provokasi ke atas agama Islam.

Boikot terpilih ini diharapkan akan berjaya menghantar isyarat yang jelas kepada pihak yang berkenaan agar tidak melakukan perkara yang biadap ini kepada sesiapapun dan belajar menghormati sesama manusia demi mewujudkan masyarakat dunia yang cintakan keamanan.

Kempen Boikot 3 produk, terpilih ini Shell, Dutch Lady, Philips akan membolehkan semua masyarakat pengguna Islam di Malaysia dan seluruh dunia menyuarakan bantahan secara aman dan melakukan sesuatu bagi mengutuk serta membantah tindakan biadap serta terkeji ini.

Kempen boikot terpilih ini adalah juga sebagai tanda protes terhadap Ahli Parlimen Belanda Geert Wilders yang jelas menghina Islam secara terang – terangan. Tiada gunanya kita bersikap agresif bagi menyuarakan bantahan tetapi PPIM yakin boikot terpilih produk Belanda ini akan menghantar satu mesej yang jelas bahawa jangan mempermainkan sensitiviti dan maruah umat Islam. Justeru, masyarakat pengguna Islam di Negara ini perlu bangkit dan lebih bijak mempertahankan hak dan maruah kita dengan bijaksana.

Masyarakat pengguna Islam juga boleh mendapatkan maklumat lanjut berhubung produk keluaran Belanda dengan melayari laman web PPIM atau menghubungi talian hotline kami di 019-3591000.

Where is Sharlinie? Help us to find her

To all my friends all over the world, please help us to find the girl. She was missing since 9th January 2008 and believes was lastly seen at Taman Medan, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.

Her details:
Age: 5 years old
Height: 1 m
Weight: 20 kg
Hair: Short
Face: Round

Please take care that your children stay safe.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Mahathir gesa umat Islam seluruh dunia pulau produk Belanda

KUALA LUMPUR 29 Mac — Bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad menyeru umat Islam di seluruh dunia memulaukan produk Belanda sebagai satu bantahan berkesan berikutan sebuah filem Belanda, Fitna, yang mengkritik Al-Quran yang disiarkan di Internet.

Beliau berkata pemulauan itu boleh menyebabkan Belanda lumpuh kerana umat Islam meliputi sebahagian besar penduduk dunia yang kaya dan juga pengimport terbesar.

Bagaimanapun, semua 1.3 bilion umat islam di dunia mestilah bersatu dan meletakkan kepentingan Islam dan umat Islam daripada keperluan individu jika mahukan pemulauan ini berkesan.

“Kalau orang Islam bersatu kita mudah saja ambil tindakan. Kalau kita pulau barangan dari Belanda dia tutup negeri, pasal yang beli banyak sekali, yang kaya sekali di dunia ini adalah orang Islam.

“Kalau semua 1,300 juta orang Islam kata kami tidak kan beli barang dari Belanda, maka barulah berkesan.

“Kalau nak pulau buatlah betul-betul. Tapi orang kita kata, dia (Belanda) pun berniaga dengan kita juga, kalau kita tahan dia, dia rugilah. Jadi (kalau begini) kita tak fikir sebagai orang Islam, kita fikir untuk kepentingan diri,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas merasmikan mesyuarat agung ke-46 Pertubuhan Kebajikan Islam Malaysia (Perkim) di sini hari ini.

Filem Fitna itu, selama 15 minit yang disiarkan dalam sebuah laman web pada 27 Mac yang mengkritik Islam, yang menunjukkan surah Al-Quran dengan berlatar belakangkan imej keganasan akibat serangan pengganas.

Ahli majlis perundangan Belanda Geert Wilders menerbitkan filem itu, yang menunjukkan kenyataan daripada paderi yang radikal dan menyebut surah Al-Quran dengan diselitkan imej serangan 11 Sept terhadap Pusat Dagangan Dunia (WTC) di New York, pengeboman kereta api penumpang di Madrid, Sepanyol pada 2004 dan pembunuhan pengelur filem Belanda Theo van Gogh di Amsterdam street pada akhir tahun itu.

Sebelum itu, Dr Mahathir berkata filem tesebut disiarkan berikutan salah faham dan “sudah pasti ada motif kritikal”. “Mereka akan terus berbuat demikian sehingga kita menunjukkan Islam itu satu agama yang baik, kita bukan orang yang ganas, bahawa kita tidak berbohong kepada orang ramai...tetapi ini mesti ditunjukkan dalam amalan oleh masyarakat Islam ,” kata beliau.

Dalam perkembangan lain, Dr Mahathir yang juga Yang Dipertua Perkim, berkata adalah penting bagi pertubuhan itu memberikan tanggapan yang betul mengenai Islam dan bukan Islam supaya tidak berlaku ketidak salah faham mengenai agama Islam yang boleh membawa kepada kebimbangan, curiga atau pertentangan terhadap Islam.


Monday, March 24, 2008

why do we read Quran, even if we can't understand a single Arabic word?

This is a beautiful story of an Old American Muslim lived on a farm in the mountains of eastern Kentucky with his young grandson. Each morning Grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table reading his Qur'an. His grandson wanted to be just like him and tried to imitate him in every way he could.

One day the grandson asked, "Grandpa! I try to read the Qur'an just like you but I don't understand it, and what I do understand I forget as soon as I close the book. What good does reading the Qur'an do?"
The Grandfather quietly turned from putting coal in the stove and replied, "Ta ke this coal basket down to the river and bring me back a basket of water."

The boy did as he was told, but all the water leaked out before he got back to the house. The grandfather laughed and said, "You'll have to move a little faster next time," and sent him back to the river with the basket to try again. This time the boy ran faster, but again the basket was empty before he returned home. Out of breath, he told his grandfather that it was impossible to carry water in a basket, and he went to get a bucket instead. The old man said, "I don't want a bucket of water; I want a basket of water. You're just not trying hard enough," and he went out the door to watch the boy try again.

At this point, the boy knew it was impossible, but he wanted to show his grandfather that even if he ran as fast as he could, the water would Leak out before he got back to the house. The boy again dipped the basket into river and ran hard, but when he reached his grandfather the basket was again empty. Out of breath, he said, "See Grandpa, it's useless!"

"So you think it is useless?" The old man said, "Look at the basket."
The boy looked at the basket and for the first time realized that the basket was different. It had been transformed from a dirty old coal basket and was now clean, inside and out.
"Son, that's what happens

When you read the Qur'an. You might not understand or remember everything, but when you read it, you will be changed, inside and out. That is the work of Allah in our lives."

Watch Unreleased Movies for Free via Internet

Hi all,

Tell you the truth, sometime you don't have to spend your money for movies. Also don't have to buy VCDs, DVDs and so on.

All you have to do is, just go to to enjoy the latest movies. Some of the movies are still not released in Malaysia and some will never.


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Pandangan Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin Tentang Kerajaan-Kerajaan Pembangkang Yang Baru Dibentuk

SOALAN: Apakah pandangan Dr. tentang kerajaan-kerajaan baru yang dibentuk oleh pembangkang; khususnya Kelantan, Kedah, Perak dan Selangor?

JAWAPAN: “Melihat kepada senario politik yang sedang berlaku dalam negara ini, maka beberapa perkara –setakat ini- mungkin boleh saya ulas seperti berikut:

1) Rakyat patut memuji kepimpinan Kerajaan dan rakyat Kelantan. Mereka terkenal dengan kematangan politik. Walaupun media yang bongkak menghina mereka sebelum pilihanraya berlaku, namun mereka telah berjaya merentasi pilihanraya dengan jayanya –alhamdulillah-. Di kala negeri-negeri lain masih dalam kekalutan, Kelantan tenang dan damai dengan keputusan yang dibuat oleh rakyatnya. Mudah-mudahan itu sebagai tanda bahawa Islam yang dilaungkan di Kelantan benar-benar mendapat keberkatan Allah. Bumi Kelantan adalah antara benteng-bentang umat Islam di negara ini. Wajib kepada seluruh muslimin terus membantu hasrat Islam yang dilaungkan, selagi zahir padanya keikhlasan bukan bertujuan politik semata. Masih banyak ruang yang boleh dilakukan untuk mengangkat imej Islam di negeri berkenaan.

2) Kerajaan Baru Kedah adalah harapan umum agar prinsip-prinsip siasah Islam yang menekankan soal keadilan dan kemaslahatan rakyat dalam dasar dan perlaksanaan benar-benar dapat dihayati. Mereka perlu bernafas panjang dalam mengambil sesuatu tindakan agar kegopohan parti mereka di Trengganu dahulu tidak berulang. Kelihatannya YAB Menteri Besar Kedah yang baru, mampu menonjolkan ciri-ciri kematangan politik yang baik di peringkat awal ini. Pegangan ‘siasah untuk maslahah ummah’ amat penting agar tidak timbul sama sekali unsur politik membalas dendam. Kita berdoa agar prinsip-prinsip Islam yang damai, harmoni lagi adil dapat dikecapi oleh rakyat Kedah menerusi kerajaan mereka yang baru.

3) Kerajaan Baru Selangor sebenarnya berhadapan dengan situasi yang amat sengit. Ini kerana, Selangor adalah negeri maju, rakyatnya mungkin lebih sensitif dan kritis. Kedudukan Selangor yang terdedah kepada dunia yang lebih terbuka, menjadikannya kayu pengukur golongan cerdik pandai sejauh manakah slogan golongan pembaharuan politik ini dapat direalisasikan. Nampaknya tawaran-tawaran Kerajaan Baru Selangor mampu menzahirkan prinsip pemerintah mengutamakan rakyat seperti yang menjadi teras siasah dalam Islam. Kita amat berharap ketelusan dan kejujuran akan menjadikan mereka lebih unggul dibandingkan kerajaan sebelum ini.

4) Ada pun Perak, saya belum dapat melihat perkembangannya. Namun keperibadian yang baik YAB Menteri Besar yang baru mudah-mudahan mengundang pertolongan Allah untuk pentadbirannya.

Sekali lagi saya ingin sebut, seperti yang sering nyatakan dalam berbagai tulisan dan kenyataan saya, bahawa “laksanakanlah keadilan dan ketelusan, di situlah akan lahirnya cinta rakyat dan keberkatan Allah. Jangan ulangi segala bentuk penyelewengan dan kebongkakan yang pernah dilakukan oleh mereka yang lain sebelum ini, kerana pada bongkah, sombong dan tidak telus itu mengundang kebencian rakyat dan kemurkaan Allah”.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Eight predictions for 2008

Source ~ The Edge
Updated by Media Relations Unit, Maxis Communications Berhad

Jan 21, Eight predictions for 2008 - by Oon Yeoh

Being that it's 2008, I figured it's a good idea to make eight tech predictions for the year. I've divided the predictions into good news and bad news. Let's start with the negative (it's always better to get the bad news out of the way).

1. Number portability will be further delayed

We've been talking about mobile number portability (MNP) for several years. According to a news report dated Oct 28, 2004, Malaysian mobile phone users were supposed to be able to keep their phone numbers even when they switched to another telco by mid-2005.

This is meant to encourage fierce competition amongst the telcos. Needless to say, none is exactly thrilled or eager to see the implementation happen. MNP is slated to begin in the first half of this year, with full rollout by year's end. I'll believe it when I see it.

2. WiMAX implementation will also be delayed

When the four WiMAX licensees were announced last year, there were shockwaves in the industry because none of them were big players. WiMAX is a big players' game because the cost of the rollout is huge.

The original deadline for initial rollout was end 2007, which has come and gone. That deadline has been revised to mid-2008. For those of you hoping to get a new wireless alternative to Streamyx this year, I say: "Don't hold your breath".

3. People still won't be using 3G

Actually, wireless Internet access is already available in the form of 3G although it's not really designed to be a Streamyx alternative (there would be serious congestion if people started to switch en masse from Streamyx to 3G).

The take-up rate is still sluggish because prices are still not low enough and content is still quite shabby. People just don't see a pressing need for high-speed Internet access for their phones. This had led to a vicious cycle where customers won't adopt 3G because content is poor and content providers won't invest in 3G because the addressable market is small. Don't expect this situation to change anytime soon.

4. New Media still ruled by blogs

Blogs are very useful, especially for political commentary and insight (and in some cases, for humour and comic relief). But blogs are old hat. In fact, they really shouldn't be considered a form of New Media anymore as they are quite mainstream.

What's missing in the local New Media landscape are podcasts and videocasts - far richer media with greater potential for innovative advertising. While there are literally tens of thousands of bloggers, I don't know of even one regular podcaster in this country. Our New Media guys are still too enamoured of blogs for there to be any change this year. Okay, enough doom and gloom, time now for the positive.

5. iPhone will come to Malaysia unlocked

The much hyped iPhone will finally reach our shores this year and unlike in the case of the US and some European countries, the version sold here will be unlocked.

Malaysia is a relatively small mobile market, too small for Apple to bother with hooking up with any one telco, locking-in iPhone owners to that telco, and demanding a cut of the telco's revenue. This is simply too much hassle for our little market.

6. Internet won't be censored

The government made the right decision when it decided not keep the Internet cencorship-free. This was part of its Bill of Guarantees when it launched the Multimedia Super Corridor.

Although there have been misguided calls by some politicians for the government to clamp down on freedom of expression on the Internet, so far the government has not reneged on its promise to keep the Internet free for censorship. I don't see this changing.

7. Telco price war continues

Some people might not have noticed it but there are now three new players in the local telco scene: U Mobile (which has a 3G license), Tune Talk (which is supposed to be a no-frills Mobile Virtual Network Operator) and Happy (a kind of no-frills MVNO from DiGi.Com).

Although I don't see any of these new entrants eating into the three incumbents' market share in any given significant way' their very presence and their aggressive pricing policy will result in a continuation of the price war, which can only benefit consumers.

8. More states will become WiFi enabled

The notion of providing state-wide WiFi access has already been taking up by Perak and Melaka. Recent news also indicate that Kuala Lumpur is headed that way. This is a trend that will grow, especially in light of the fact that the WiMAX rollout is likely to be delayed. Sure, WiFi has its shortcomings. The need for a lot of base-stations to cover a large area is the most obvious one. But WiFi is a proven technology, most laptops are WiFi enabled and it's relatively cheap and easy to deploy. I see more states signing up to be WiFied.

* Oon Yeo is a senior researcher at Telenor Research & Information Centre Asia Pacific. The views expressed are his own and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Telenor or any other party.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Pelajar perlu RM18,000 rawat tulang bengkok

KUALA LUMPUR: Pelajar Sekolah Kebangsaan Parit Enam, Sungai Besar, Selangor, Fatin Firzanah Mohamad Tani (gambar), 11, yang menghidap penyakit tulang belakang bengkok mengharapkan sumbangan orang ramai bagi menampung kos pembedahan dan rawatan kira-kira RM18,000.

Bapanya, Mohamad Tani Abd Mutalib, 47, berkata pada peringkat awal beliau tidak dapat mengesan sebarang kelainan pada belakang badan anaknya kerana selalu memakai pakaian yang longgar dan kelihatan seperti kanak-kanak normal lain.

Beliau berkata, penyakit itu dikesan isterinya, Tairus Mat Zainuddin, yang secara tidak sengaja terlihat belakang badan Fatin Firzanah ketika menyalin pakaian, setahun lalu dan berasa hairan apabila melihat belakang badan anaknya bengkok.

Katanya, Fatin Firzanah dibawa menjalani pemeriksaan di Hospital Telok Intan, Perak dan doktor mengesahkannya menghidapi penyakit 'adolescent skoliosis idiopatik' atau masalah pertumbuhan tulang tidak normal serta dikehendaki merujuk kepada Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (HUKM).

"Ketika ini, dia mengalami masalah tulang belakang bengkok 51 darjah selain memerlukan pemasangan implan dan membuat pembedahan bagi meluruskan kembali badannya.

"Doktor memberitahu pembedahan ini dijangka 99 peratus berjaya dan perlu dilakukan segera bagi mengelak tulang belakangnya menjadi semakin bengkok hingga menimbulkan pelbagai komplikasi, Katanya, di sini, semalam.

Beliau ditemui di pejabat Berita Harian ketika menemani Fatin Firzanah dalam kunjungan ke sini bertujuan memohon bantuan orang ramai bagi membiayai pembedahan berkenaan.

Katanya, pendapatan sebagai mekanik sebanyak RM1,200 sebulan tidak mencukupi, ditambah pula isterinya tidak bekerja.

Beliau berkata, bebanan kewangan akan bertambah apabila beliau perlu membawa anaknya ke HUKM kerana perlu menyewa kereta selain tidak mendapat gaji untuk hari berkenaan.

Orang ramai yang ingin membantu boleh menghantar cek berpalang kepada Berita Harian (nama Fatin Firzanah di belakang cek), ke alamat Unit Kebajikan, The New Straits Times Press (M) Bhd, Balai Berita, 31 Jalan Riong, 59100 Kuala Lumpur.


Tarikh : 16 Mac 2008

Some funny lines

Smart man + smart woman = romance
Smart man + dumb woman = affair
Dumb man + smart woman = marriage
Dumb man + dumb woman = pregnancy


Smart boss + smart employee = profit
Smart boss + dumb employee = production
Dumb boss + smart employee = promotion
Dumb boss + dumb employee = overtime


A man will pay $2 for a $1 item he needs.
A woman will pay $1 for a $2 item that she doesn't need.


A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband.
A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife.
A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend.
A successful woman is one who can find such a man.


To be happy with a man, you must understand him a lot and love him a little.
To be happy with a woman, you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all.


Married men live longer than single men do, but married men are a lot more willing to die.


A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't.
A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change, and she does.


A woman has the last word in any argument.
Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.



Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, "You're next." They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Pendapat aku mengenai isu politik masa kini

1. Jika nak salahkan DAP meminggirkan org Melayu, sebenarnya org Melayu sendiri dah dipinggirkan sepanjang 50 thn pemerintahan BN-Gerakan. Cuba lihat kembali 20 thn atau 30 thn sebelum ini, penduduk Melayu di bahagian pulau masih ramai tetapi sekarang kebanyakan Melayu pulau hanya tinggal di Balik Pulau. Dan mereka di sana juga menyokong PAS dan PKR kerana apa? Sbb merekalah yg amat rs terpinggir. Mereka masih mempertahankan apa yg masih mereka miliki sbb itu mereka masih di situ. Jika dibahagian2 lain di pulau, tanah2 org Melayu sudah lama dipaksa untuk dijual. Perlu diingat, paksaan juga boleh dilakukan dengan ditawarkn dengan harga yg lumayan. Tapi apa yg kerajaan BN-UMNO lakukan untuk mempertahankan tanah2 tersebut dikuasai oleh Kerajaan BN-Gerakan atas alasan pembangunan hartanah yg hanya mampu dimiliki oleh bangsa2 lain. Sy tinggal di Kulim, Kedah yg x jauh dari Pulau pinang. Saudara mara saya sendiri ramai yg PERNAH tinggal di bahagian pulau di Pulau Pinang tetapi kebanyakan mereka telah berpindah kerana x mampu bersaing dengan peningkatan kos sara hidup, tawaran rumah di tanah besar(Seberang Perai) selepas tanah dibeli oleh kerajan negeri dan sebagainya.

2. Dasar DEB memang dibuat untuk mempertahankan hak2 org Melayu dan menyeimbangkan ekonomi Bumiputera dengan bangsa2 lain di Malaysia. Tetapi jika DEB yg dilaksanakan hanya menguntungkn sebahagian kecil org2 Melayu, DEB patut digubal dan diolah supaya kekayaan Negara diagih sama rata terutama dikalangan org2 Melayu sendiri. Di Pulau Pinang, DEB yg dikatakan penuh dengan kronisme, rasuah, penguasaan kontrak oleh sebilangan kecil kontraktor Melayu tertentu dan lain2 yg negative dimansuhkn oleh kerajaan DAP disebabkn kesilapan BN-UMNO sendiri yg lari dari tujuan asal DEB. Tetapi sedar atau tidak, sebenarnya DEB telah lama berakhir dan diganti dengan dasar baru? Cuba check

3. Perlu diingat jugak, peralihan sokongan undi terhadap PAS/PKR/DAP bukannya disebabkn oleh kejayaan PAS/PKR/DAP menarik perhatian rakyat semata2 tetapi juga disebabkn bantahan terhadap kerajaan BN yg gagal meletak calon yg bersih dan diterima oleh rakyat, dasar2 kerajaan yg mengkritik setiap keluhan rakyat dan mendakwa setiap apa sahaja yg dilakukan kerajaan adalah betul dan tidak boleh dipertikaikan, kenaikan kos sara hidup yg alasannya tidak boleh diterima oleh rakyat Malaysia dan tidak diperjelaskan sehingga memuaskn hati pengundi2, kegagalan kerajaan BN membendung permasalahan sosial remaja dan jenayah, pembahagian kekayaan/pembangunan yg tidak sampai kerakyat akar umbi dan juga keangkuhan pemimpin2 BN semasa berkempen sepanjang pilihanraya. Nilaikn balik kenapa org Cina dan India sanggup mengundi PAS, org Melayu sanggup mengundi DAP dan semua org sanggup mengundi selain BN? Ini adalah undi tidak percaya rakyat kepada pemerintahan BN. Mungkin juga sudah sampai masanya org2 Melayu dijaga oleh PAS disebabkn UMNO telah lari dari tujuan asal pembentukannya.

4. Perlu ditegaskan, saya bukan penyokong PAS/DAP/PKR/BN tetapi rakyat Malaysia yg boleh berfikir dan berharap sesiapa sahaja yg memerintah jangan terlalu angkuh dan melakukan penyelewengan. Mereka perlu lakukan tanggungjawab dengan ikhlas dan tidak mengambil kesempatan untuk keuntungan diri sendiri. Jika tidak, peristiwa pilihanraya ke-12 akan sentiasa berlaku. Mengenai perubahan kepimpinan di Kedah, Perak, Pulau Pinang, Selangor dan x salah jika masukkn Wilayah persekutuan sendiri, kita beri sahaja mereka peluang untuk memimpin. Jika mereka gagal, rakyat sentiasa bersedia menghukum mereka dalam pilihanraya ke-13 nanti. Tunggu sahaja. Terakhir sekali, kenapa Lim Kit Siang menarik balik kenyataan boikot majlis angkat sumpah Menteri Besar perak? Ini disebabkan respon rakyat dan pengikut mereka sendiri yg membantah kenyataan boikot tersebut. Ini adalah bukti, rakyat yg sedang berkuasa sekarang dan bukannya parti politik.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Biggest Robbery of the 20th Century

Israel = nama awal bangsa yg agak istimewa Allah jadikan dr segi bijaksana dan kepandaian.

Allah muliakan bangsa Israel (Bani Israel) dgn mengutuskan ramai para nabi dr kalangan mereka dan menghadiahkan mereka makanan istimewa dari syurga (manna wa salwa) selama beberapa ketika etc.

= panggilan / gelaran yg digunakan oleh Allah di dalam al Quran kepada golongan Israel kerana murka dgn mereka di atas sikap

mereka terlalu melampaui batas spt menipu nabi2 mereka, membunuh para nabi, menafikan keEsaan Allah, dan melakukan segala perbuatan yg Allah larang..etc. Salah satu kumpulan dari kaum mereka juga telah Allah taala sumpah menjadi beruk kerana engkar dgn perintah Allah.

(boleh rujuk kitab sirah)

Jadi bangsa yg ada di Palestin sekarang ini adalah YAHUDI, bukan Israel sebagaimana yg selalu disebut2 di sana sini.

Mereka sendiri yg melabelkan diri mereka sebagai Israel kerana mereka tahu sejarah dan mahu mengkaburi manusia sejagat esp Islam tentang status bangsa mereka kerana perasan dan masih mahu diiktiraf sbgai bangsa yg mulia sebagaimana sebelumnya seperti yg disebut di dlm alQuran.

Jadi, mari kita tanamkan dalam diri kita dan kpd semua org Islam agar memanggil mereka dgn gelaran yg Allah beri iaitu YAHUDI..bukan Israel..

Nama Israel adalah nama bangsa para Nabi, bangsa yg mulia.. tetapi tidak Yahudi..Mereka yg ada sekarang diatas muka muka bumi ini adalah YAHUDI..bukan Israel..

Please forward this to everyone who don't know about this fact - Most of us don't even know the actual situation.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Cara nak kuruskan badan

Seorang mamat yang gemuk masuk ke fitness center untuk menguruskan badan.. seorang lelaki di kaunter bertanya kepada mamat tadi,

"Kami menawarkan 2 program disini... RM 50 untuk versi 'biasa' dan RM100 untuk versi 'cepat'."

Mamat tu pon berkata, " Saya ingat yang biasalah sebab saya ni baru nak try kuruskan badan."

"Ok, Encik sila masuk ke bilik no.5 di penjuru bilik sana," jawab penjaga kaunter.

Mamat tadi pun masuk la ke bilik itu dan menutupnya. Selang 2 minit kemudian, seorang wanita cantik, lawa, body best, mantap masuk ke dalam bilik itu. dia kemudian menanggalkan pakaiannya sehingga menyebabkan mamat tu tak senang duduk,berpeluh.

Perempuan tadi berkata," kalau tuan dapat tangkap saya, tuan boleh buat apa saja dengan saya... hikhikhikk" dan dia terus berlari dalam bilik itu. mamat tadi pun kejar la.. kejar punya kejar samapai 10 minit pon tak dapat lagi. tapi mamat tu kejar lagi sampai terjatuh terjelepok lalu pengsan.

Apabila dia sedar, dia bangun dan terus ke penimbang dan mendapati beratnya dah turun 3 kg. " wow.. mmg senang nak turun berat badan,.. memang berbaloi aku bayar RM 50 tadi" katanya seoarng diri.

Keesokkan harinya dia datang semula ke tempat tersebut. Dia ditegur oleh pemuda di kaunter. Setelah diberi penerangan seperti semalam, mamat tadi memilih untuk mencuba versi 'cepat' pula.

"Baiklah, Encik masuk bilik no. 6 di situ ya.."kata penjaga kaunter.

Setelah beberapa minit didalam bilik itu, datanglah seorang body builder yang badannya tough dan terus melondehkan pakaiannya lalu berkata "Saya akan kejar kamu dalam bilik ini, dan.... kalau saya dapatttttt emmmmmmmmm...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

To release sum thru...

Who says our English is teruk? Just see below - Ours is simple, short, concise, straight-to-point, effective etc.........

Britons: I'm sorry, Sir, but we don't seem to have the sweater you want in your size, but if you give me a moment, I can call the other outlets for you.
Malaysians: No Stock.

Britons: Hello, this is John Smith. Did anyone page for me a few moments ago?
Malaysians: Hello, who page?

Britons: Excuse me, I'd like to get by. Would you please make way?
Malaysians: S-kew me

Britons: Hey, put your wallet away, this drink is on me.
Malaysians: No-need, lah.

Britons: Excuse me, but do you think it would be possible for me to enter through this door?
Malaysians: (pointing the door) can ar?

Britons: Please make yourself right at home.
Malaysians: Don't be shy, lah!

Britons: I don't recall you giving me the money.
Malaysians: Where got?

Britons: I'd prefer not to do that, if you don't mind.
Malaysians: Don't want la...

Britons: Err. Tom, I have to stop you there. I understand where you're coming from, but I really have to disagree with what you said about the issue.
Malaysians: You mad, ah?

Britons: Excuse me, but could you please! lower your voice, I'm trying to concentrate over here.
Malaysians: Shut up lah!

Britons: Excuse me, but I noticed you staring at me for some time.. Do I know you?
Malaysians: See what, see what?

Britons: We seem to be in a bit of a predicament at the moment.
Malaysians: Die-lah!!

Britons: Will someone tell me what has just happened?
Malaysians: Wat happen, why like that....

Britons: This isn't the way to do it here let me show you,
Malaysians: like that also don't know how to do!!!!

Britons: Would you mind not disturbing me
Celaka u

Friday, March 7, 2008

You are a traitor if you dont vote for Barang Naik - LOL

I was looking at several pilihanraya - related blogs when I came across the issue of ghost voters/pengundi berhantu. It's interesting to note how the goverment working hand in hand with SPR (Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya) to "create" these ghost voters just to win this coming general election.

These voters are in their teens and by right still not eligible to cast their votes yet....but their names appear as registered voters with SPR. Check it yourself and compare the i.c. and the year they were born (so stupid...most are more than 100 years old according to the year they were born!). Just copy and paste the i.c. numbers and see it yourself

87120574 015
890211050014 @ 1307762
961022505236 @ A7023350
971219750079 @ 0902843
991230710156 @ 2024648
991025740081 @ 0216550


Making Profit Using Myspace and Friendster???

Yeah... It sound interesting but also weird eh? Hmmm...

No! It is not weird! It is an OPPORTUNITY! Please and please just try. No harm and only RM20 to start with the guidance. Just follow the instruction that will be given after you registered. You know, I am 199% suggesting you to try this opportunity because I've made some. Yes, for the starting it is not much. But hey... sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit...


Betul ke boleh buat duit? Macamana? Siapa yang bayar?

Memang Boleh...Dengan Myspace Masyuk V2 .

Myspace masyuk v2 merupakan satu sistem berkesan menjana pendapatan menggunakan kaedah viral marketing. Dengan Kaedah ini setiap ahli mendapat potensi faedah bukan hanya dari satu sumber pendapatan tapi potensi lebih daripada 20 sumber pendapatan berlainan.

Suka diingatkan, sistem ini langsung takder kena mengena dengan Multi Level Marketing yang mana anda dikehendaki bertindak sebagai downline atau upline.

Apa yang anda perlukan untuk kerja sambilan ini?
1: Akaun Myspace atau Friendster
2: Internet
3: Berumur 16 tahun keatas
4: Selalu online di Myspace atau Friendster (1 - 3 kali seminggu)

For more info you can click the banner displayed in this blog or you may simply click here
Myspace Masyuk V2 .

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Aduan dan Maklumat Berkaitan Kepenggunaan

Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia
Muslim Consumers Association Of Malaysia
(Malaysian Chapter Of The World Muslim Consumers Association)


Nama Organisasi :
Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia (PPIM)

Alamat Organisasi :
No. 70X, Jalan Keramat Hujung, Bukit Keramat , 54000 Kuala Lumpur

Talian Hubungan :
Hotline : 019-359 1000
Tel : 03-4253 3600/4256 6618 Faks : 03- 4256 6617

I can't wait for the election..A MUST READ ITEM

Gentlemen, something to ponder...

You won't read this everyday, only 5 years (maybe 3 and a half year) ONCE!!

You may have received similar mails like this article but if that CHANGE and HELP our country and our next generation, will you copy and forward this to your friends and relatives?? Will you read, understand and explain the crucial decision we have to make? Let them understand their votes decide the future!!

It is absolutely crucial that the BN HAS TO BE denied its 2/3 majority in Parliament.

Even with 51% of the seats the BN will still rule the Government but they will be on their tippy, tippy toes. This is what we all want.

We want checks and balances. Firstly, if they lose the 2/3, it will cause a major psychological shock to the BN. It will most likely cause Abdullah Badawi's head to roll. The UMNO boys will replace him. If Badawi goes, the son-in-law, the cronies, the crooks, the thieves, etc., will all go too.

And the batch that replaces them will learn to pray to their gods more diligently, speak better Malay, Tamil and Mandarin, eat with chopsticks, sing Kongsi Raya songs and all the other good things that are needed to run this country properly.

Denying the BN the 2/3 is also crucial because it will mean that many BN (especially UMNO) candidates would not have public office. If they lose their MP and ADUN seats, they cannot become Ministers, Parliamentary Secretaries, State EXCO members, etc. This means their money tree will be cut off. They will no more be in a position to hand out goodies. UMNO and MCA will choke. This will cause great soul searching especially in UMNO

And MCA, which will finally lead to body piercing and ultimately head chopping.

It will change our politics for ever.

That is why it is absolutely crucial that all Malaysians stand up to bat for the future of this country. We do not need mere protest votes. We must Vote for drastic change. Out with the decrepit buggers. They smell and they are filthy. I can't wait for the elections.

Thousands of UMNO members will be voting against the BN this time. Among them will be Tun Dr Mahathir. Even more thousands of non-UMNO Malays will be doing the same thing.

Tun Dr Mahathir has made it plain that we should not vote for the BN. Dr Mahathir used discreet, indirect language. First he said that we should vote for 'credible candidates'. He then said that 'we cannot change UMNO from within; the change has to come from outside, so vote wisely'. Put together, these two indirect messages become a direct insistence from Dr Mahathir that we should not vote for the BN. He could not have been blunter.

We are most definitely going to see a very big swing in Malay votes this time around. This is where the Chinese and the Indians must step up to the plate and be ready to swing the bat. The Chinese in Penang , Kedah, Perak, Selangor, Kelantan and elsewhere have already made it known quite early on that they will not be voting for the BN this time. Let us reach out to our Chinese brethren and help reaffirm their commitment. Let us reassure ourselves that when the time comes, each of us does have the power in our hands to change our destiny and the destiny of this country which is our home. Let us be rid of the morons, imbeciles, the liars and the thieves. Also the murderers who have blown up Altantuya Shaarribuu Setev.

MCA and UMNO thought we are still like those days. Nearer to the dates of election, giving out "sweets" and "empty Promises" will work again this time!

Dear friends, they have forgotten about the POWER of the Internet now. We know too much of their tricks & we will not be cheated again!!

We have decided!!

We have decided!!

We have decided to CHANGE and to RESCUE our country!!!!

Vote for Justice. Vote AGAINST Corruption.

Vote for opposition to CHANGE the country for the better.

Let’s rebuild a MALAYSIAN country we call home.

In Malaysian elections, it is SEATS AND NOT VOTES THAT MATTER.

The ten-year mood swings

Posted by Raja Petra

Thursday, 10 January 2008

The opposition (referred to BN) is arrogant. The opposition has a large ego. They think we need them so they can do what they like. It is time they learned that we do not need them but it is they who need us.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

This ten-year cycle theory holds true for politics as well, at least as far as Malaysia is concerned. Every ten years or so we see a shift in voters' sentiments. Sometimes the shift is large enough to make an impact like in 1969 and 1999. Sometimes it is a minor shift but only because the Malays shift one way with the non-Malays going the opposite direction one election, and then the non-Malays reverse direction with the non-Malays again moving in the opposite direction the following election. Now, if only the Malays and non-Malays both shift the same direction then the election results would have been totally different. But the Malays and non-Malays love playing see-saw. When one goes up the other goes down, and vice versa. Maybe they should start playing swings instead so that both can swing up and down at the same time. But such are the mood swings of the Malays and non-Malays. When one is in the mood, the other is not, and then when the other finally gets into the mood, the mood of the first moves the opposite direction. It's like when tonight your wife has a headache and is not in the mood and tomorrow night when she is in the mood you in turn get a headache. If only you can both get your headaches at the same time so that you can synchronise your moods.

I remember in 1968 -- I was 18 then -- when Malaysians went through their first mood swing. Resentment against the government was high and both the Malays and non-Malays voted against the ruling party in the 1969 general election giving the opposition 55% of the votes. No doubt the ruling party still formed the government even though it had just 45% of the votes but it lost many states and ruled without a two-thirds majority. History was almost repeated 30 years later in 1998 but in the 1999 general election the Malays and non-Malays were not as united as in 1969 (though in 1969 the Malays and non-Malays were not really united in that sense but just that both wanted the government out without working in concert to achieve this).

Now, we must remember, 1969 was not long after Merdeka and not long after the ruling party swept almost all the seats in the first parliamentary elections in 1959. Ten years before that the voters gave the ruling party a landslide victory. Ten years later they took it back.

Let us look at the First Parliamentary General Election again. What really happened in that first election in 1959, merely two years after Merdeka? Did the ruling party do that well, only to lose it all again ten years later?

In the First Parliamentary General Election in 1959, the voter turnout was only 73.3% or 1.55 million voters. 600,000 people decided to just stay home and not bother to come out and vote. The Alliance Party, which had won the Municipal Elections four years before that in 1955, managed to garner only 51.8% of the votes. That's right, the Alliance Party won slightly over half the votes in the First Parliamentary General Election. And the Alliance Party was a coalition of three parties -- Umno, MCA and MIC. Therefore Umno, on its own, won less than half the votes.

In terms of seats, though, the Alliance Party won 74 out of the 104 seats or around 71% of the total seats contested. This means they managed to form the government with a comfortable two-thirds majority in spite of winning slightly over half the votes.

Five years on, in the Second Parliamentary General Election in 1964, the voter turnout increased slightly to 78.9%, a 5.6% increase. In this election the Alliance Party garnered 58.5% of the votes, an improvement of 6.7%, more or less corresponding with the increase in voter turnout. The increase in votes which the Alliance Party won can easily be attributed to the increase in the number of registered voters. The number of registered voters had increased by 28% but the Alliance Party saw an increase in votes of 50%. This means the Alliance Party saw a real increase and not just because there were more voters. In short, 500,000 'new' voters came out to vote in the 1964 general election and 80% or 400,000 of these votes went to the Alliance Party -- an impressive performance indeed. The number of seats the Alliance Party won increased to 86%, which more or less gave them a landslide victory.

Five years later, in 1969, the voter turnout dropped back to 73.6%. In this historic election (historic only because of the racial riots that followed) the Alliance Party managed a paltry 44.9% of the votes. Out of the 144 seats contested, the Alliance Party managed only 74 giving them slightly better than half (72 seats is 50%) and FAR SHORT of the two-thirds they needed to form an effective government.

That’s when all hell broke loose -- organised chaos if you wish -- infamously known as the May 13 incident.

The ruling party, by then called Barisan Nasional, performed better during the 1974 general election. They managed to garner 60.7% of the votes. But this is only because the old Alliance Party no longer existed and the new coalition called Barisan Nasional comprised all those opposition parties that, in the election before that, had denied the ruling party its two-thirds majority in Parliament.

In terms of seats it was almost a clean sweep for Barisan Nasional as the opposition managed to win only 19 out of the 144 seats contested. Something must be wrong with the system when the opposition won only 13% of the seats though 40% of the rakyat voted for them. In this election the voter turnout was only 75.1%. Again, 600,000 people did not come out to vote just like in the two elections before that.

The 1978 general election was not any better and was almost a repeat of 1974. Only 75.3% of the voters came out to vote. The ruling party won 57.2% of the votes, but this time their number of seats won dropped to 130. The opposition managed to win 24 seats on the now enlarged total of 154 seats -- a slightly better performance for the opposition.

The 1982 general election was, again, a duplicate of the election before that -- 74.39% voter turnout, 60.54% votes to the ruling party giving them 132 seats, and 22 seats to the opposition, which was almost status quo.

From thereon PAS seemed to be going downhill. The following general election in 1986 was a disaster for PAS when it won only one seat and lost Kelantan to UMNO. Ironically, DAP saw its best ever performance by winning 24 Parliament seats. Barisan Nasional, which got 57.28% of the votes, won 148 seats or 84% out of the total of 177 seats. This was the turning point for both PAS and DAP -- PAS its lowest point and DAP its highest.

One interesting point to note is that the voter turnout in 1986 was the worst in the history of our general elections. Only 69.97% of the voters came out to vote. It was said the low voter turnout was one factor that worked against the opposition. More than 2 million people stayed home in that election.

1990 was the most interesting year. In the general election held that year, the ruling party managed only 53.38% of the votes. Voter turnout was only slightly better at 72.7%. A 'record' 2.2 million people stayed home and did not bother to come out and vote. Considering the ruling party managed only around 3 million votes and the opposition obtained 2.6 million votes (giving the ruling party a mere 400,000 vote majority), the 2.2 million voters who stayed home was quite significant indeed. If 8% more people had come out to vote, and if they had voted for the opposition, the results would have been quite different. Of course, if they had voted for the ruling party instead then it would not have mattered much.

Anyway, DAP lost four seats and managed to retain only 20. PAS & Semangat 46 shared 15 seats between them from a mere one seat the election before that. PBS in Sabah got 14 seats and four independent candidates got in. Out of 180 seats contested, the ruling party still managed to win 127 or 70% of the seats on slightly more than HALF the votes they garnered. Again, this showed, in Malaysian elections, it is SEATS AND NOT VOTES THAT MATTER.

During the 1995 general election, PAS and Semangat 46 got one seat less each and, combined, managed to win only 13 seats. DAP did quite badly at nine seats while PBS got only eight seats this time around. There were nine million registered voters that year but, just like in 1990, more than two million people stayed home. The ruling party garnered 65.2% of the votes and won 162 out of the 192 seats contested giving it 85% of the seats.

In the 1999 general election, Barisan Nasional won 102 or 70.8% of the 144 seats it contested in Peninsular Malaysia. This gave it 4.2% more than what it needed to retain its two-thirds majority in Parliament. With the 46 seats it won in East Malaysia, Barisan Nasional sailed in comfortably with 148 seats, 20 more seats than what was required to maintain its two-thirds majority and 52 more seats than what it need to form the government with a simple majority.

Now, it must be noted that while Barisan Nasional won more than the two-thirds of the seats, it failed to win two-thirds of the votes. Out of a total of about 5.8 million voters in Peninsular Malaysia, Barisan Nasional managed to convince only 3.1 million voters to vote for it while 2.6 million voters voted for the opposition. This came to less than 54% of the total voters who cast their votes -- far short of the two-thirds it needed to legitimately claim that the people support the ruling party.

What is most interesting to note is that only 73% of the voters came out to vote. Perak was the lowest at 66% followed by the Federal Capital at 70%. Why this low turnout?

Thousands of complaints were received that voters who had voted in that same area for the last few elections suddenly found their names missing from the electoral list. Others complained that someone else had voted in their place. When they went to vote they found that their names had been 'cut off' from the register, which means they had already voted. Then there were cases where voters’ names had been transferred to another state so they could not vote as there was no way they could make it across the country in time to vote.

It was estimated that around 80% to 82% of the registered voters would have come out to vote this time around, if they had been allowed to. This would have made it one of the highest ever in Malaysian election history. Many did in fact come out but were sent home disappointed.

If these 7% to 9% had not been denied their right to vote, and if the 680,000 voters who had registered earlier but could not vote were included in the voters’ list, an additional one million people would have voted in the 1999 general election.

According to the Elections Commission, 95% of these 680,000 disenfranchised voters were below the age of 30. The Alternative Front or Barisan Alternatif claimed that more than 70% of these people barred from voting were their supporters. If this were true, then Barisan Nasional would have garnered 3.4 million votes while the opposition would have won 3.2 million. This would have changed the results drastically, probably even giving the opposition an additional 30 to 40 Parliamentary seats. Looking at the wafer-thin wins the Barisan Nasional candidates obtained, this assumption is more than possible.

A couple of years later, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad admitted during the Umno General Assembly that if the 680,000 disenfranchised voters had been allowed to vote, Barisan Nasional would have been kicked out of office.

The opposition officially won 42 of the Parliament seats contested. They claim the number should have been between 70 to 80 if the elections had been free and fair. And all they needed was 65 seats to deny Barisan Nasional its two-thirds majority in Parliament.

Then came the 2004 general election, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's first general election, and the tide turned yet again in favour of the ruling party. Even with just roughly two-thirds of the votes, Barisan Nasional managed to win 92% of the seats, never before achieved in 50 years of election history. Now, what is 2008 going to look like? Well, we have eleven previous general elections to look at so take your pick. But whatever it is, take note that:

1) even with 45% of the votes Barisan Nasional will still form the government;

2) they do not need two-thirds of the votes to win two-thirds of the seats;

3) and finally, in 1959 the ruling party garnered 51.8% of the votes, in 1969, 44.9% of the votes, in 1978 (which should have been held in 1979), 57.2% of the votes, in 1990 (they held elections every four years instead of five during this period so that is why there is an 'extra' two years), 53.38% of the votes, and in 1999, 54% of the votes.

Now, what is 2009, the next ten years (which may be 2008 rather than 2009 if they call an early election) going to look like? We have seen a voters' mood swing every ten years, just like we saw an economic downturn. Can we expect a downturn of the ruling party's performance as well?

Most likely. If the Malays and non-Malays unite under a united opposition we can see a 50-50 split in the votes. Of course, Barisan Nasional will still form the government. But it will be without a two-thirds majority and with the loss of a few states.

Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah and Perlis may fall. Barisan Nasional may lose its majority in Penang, Perak, Selangor and Sabah. And 80 Members of Parliament will sit in the opposition aisle giving Barisan Nasional a mere 64% of the seats, slightly less than the two-thirds it needs to blatantly amend laws such as the recent one that allowed the Prime Minister to extend the tenure of the Chairman of the Elections Commission without seeking the approval of the Agong.

Yes, let us force the opposition to unite. And if they don't then let us boycott the opposition. Let us show them we mean business. As Lim Kit Siang said, “The people are the boss.” So let us show them that we really are the boss by telling them what we want and by rejecting them if they refuse to listen to the boss. We want 80 opposition members in Parliament. And we will get it even if we have to vote against the opposition or by not coming out to vote just to teach the opposition a lesson and to show them that if we can't have it our way then we do not want it any way.

The opposition is arrogant. The opposition has a large ego. They think we need them so they can do what they like. It is time they learned that we do not need them but it is they who need us. Malaysia Today will soon launch a campaign called ONE OPPOSITION OR NO OPPOSITION. The civil society movements and NGOs will soon launch a PEOPLES' DECLARATION or DEKLARASI RAKYAT. If the ruling party accepts this Declaration we shall support them. Whomsoever accepts it we shall support them, never mind which party they are from. It is time we took back the streets. It is time we took back the ballot box. It is time the Wakil Rakyat learnt the meaning of wakil rakyat. It means we are in charge and they are merely our wakil.

Saturday, March 1, 2008


Di sebuah kg ada 3 org remaja yg suka lepak. Sorang tu nama dia Ali, sorang tu Budin dan sorang lagi Ciko. Aktiviti seharian depa ni menybbkan tok imam x senang duduk. Pd satu hari tok imam tu dtg dgn niat nak tarbiyah depa ni. Maka berlakulah bbrp insiden cabar-mencabar.

Tok imam tu cabar si mangkuk 3 ekor tu ke surau waktu Maghrib nnt. Si Ali pun berkata, "Tok imam ingat kami ni jahil sangat ke? Takpa, nnt kami buktikan yg kami bkn la jahil sgt spt yg disangkakan".

Maka apb hampir masuk waktu Maghrib pegilah malaun 3 ekor tu ke surau. Tok imam pun suruh Ali azan. Tanpa berlengah terus je Ali azan,

"Allah Ta'ala... Allah Ta'ala..." Dgn segera tok imam merampas mikrofon drp Ali & menyuruh tok bilal azan semula. Terserlah kejahilan Ali.

Selepas iqamat, masa nak sembahyang tok imam pun mengangkat takbiratul ihram. Tok imam pun satu hal, angkat sekali x khusyuk, angkat 2x pun x khusyuk jgk lg.. Masuk je kali ketiga, Budin panggil tok imam. "Tok, tok duduk kat belakang, biar saya jadi imam." Tok imam pun undur le ke belakang.

Budin pun angkat le takbiratul ihram. "Allahu akbar!" Maka para makmum pun ikut angkat takbiratul ihram & memulakan solat.
Tiba2 je si Budin ni pusing ke belakang dan berkata, "Aa, tengok! Sekali jee tokkkk!!"

Lalu batallah solat Budin. Yg lain2 pun ikut berenti sambil ketawa terbhk2.

Tok imam pun mintak pulak si Ciko jadi imam. Si Ciko pun terus ke depan jadi imam solat tersebut bermula dari takbir sampai le habis sembahyang. Siap dgn wirid2nya sekali.

Punyalah respek tok imam kat si Ciko niii... Lepas solat, tok imam pun puji-memuji leee si Ciko ni... Tapi dgn bongkaknye si Ciko berkata, "He hee, itu belum ambil wuduk lagi tu.

Kalau tak, lagi dassat aku semayang. He heee..." Tok imam pun terkedu & terpana..

Last But Not So Last .....Least

Oh my God... I'm laughing here hahahahah

Please read below conversation carefully. Of course it is targeted for coming election but it is also only a joke... hahahah

Pak Lah : This is the last meeting we are going to have before I make my decision on who our candidates are. First of all, I would like to thank Keng Yaik and Affendi for voluntarily backing out. You are truly gentlemen. Anyone else wants to back out? Think of the party, not of yourself.

Najib : I think Samy should back out la.

Samy : Apa pasai? Why you think I should back out? Why not you?

Najib : You are a liability to MIC and BN la Samy, accept it la.

Samy : What do you mean liability? Give me proof?

Hisham : Ayo Samy, our intelligence report say, we will lose almost 100% of Indian votes if you still lead MIC. If you get lost, maybe we can bring it down to 60%.

Samy : Pakla, don't listen to this two young punks la. Let me read this report just sent to me. After extensive intelligence gathering, we find that 20% of the Indians hated Samy Velu. Ha, only 20% la, where got 100%?

Nazri : Hey Samy I also got the same report la. Why don't you continue?

Samy : Okay, I'll continue, 40% cannot stand to see his face and 35% will kill him if they were to meet him. 5% believe that he is a good leader. Ha, I still got 5% what?

Pak Lah : Come on la Samy, you've been around for a long time already; you have made your money. You are even richer than me, so back out la. Think of the party la Samy.

Samy : Yes, I am richer than you but Najib, 2 deals only is already richer than me, why not ask him also to go? His submarine and Sukhoi and Altantunya also make him a liability what.

Pak Lah : I know that one, but he is from UMNO, that is the difference. The Malays will accept corrupt Malay leaders, as long as they potong, its okay.

Samy : Oh, kalu chunik potong kalu, berapa banyak rasuah pun takpa ka? Mana adil ini macam Pakla?

Najib : That is the way it is in this country Samy. We all from UMNO got immunity, you people, tadak potong punya, don't.

Samy : No, saya akan tetap bertanding.

Kayveas : Adei Samy, listen to them la, what they say is true la. Don't talk about justice all la, as if you are concerned about justice. This is not the place to be talking about justice la old man. We want to win. If that means you will be dropped then so be it.

Samy : Dei Kayveas, you just shut up la. You budak lagi la, you apa tau? What you want to be champions of the Indians ka? If I am forced to back out, I make sure you go down with me. Hey, Mahathir also cannot force me out la.

Kayveas : Tengok Pakla, tadak guna punya Hindu. Think of himself only. Just shoot him la Pakla, don't give chance. Najib, itu C4 lagi ada ka? Mari kita sekarang taroh itu C4 sama dia. Cilaka punya orang.

Keng Yaik : Samy ah, enough la. So long already you in the cabinet. You want to stay until you die ka? What you think they will bury you in the Makam Pahlawan ka? Every time people curse you la. Now even your own race cannot stand you, give up la Samy. Come join me la. We all retire. After all, we are not sure if we are going to win this time around. BN also not sure going to win or not.

Pak Lah : What are you talking about Kheng Yaik? Why you say like that? Lu jaga lu punya mulut ah Apek.

Keng Yaik :No la Pak Lah, If everyone wants to deny us 2/3 majority, then all of them would not vote us la. We may lose more than just 1/3 la. Haiya, that one also cannot see ah?

Pak Lah : Maybe the Chinese or Indians la Keng Yaik, not the Malays la. The Malays love UMNO.

Keng Yaik : Are you sure ah Pak Lah? Now even the Chinese and Indians are willing to vote PAS if it is the only opposition available to them, don't you think that there would be Malays willing to vote DAP? Don't be foolish la Pak Lah. Until now still cannot get Kelantan despite all the dirty tricks. Who are majority voters in Kelantan? Malys la, some more what.

Pak Lah : Betoi ka dia kata tu Najib?

Najib : Jangan dengar cakap orang tua penyembur tu la Pak lah. Orang Melayu takkan lupa UMNO punya. Orang Melayu rela mati untuk UMNO

Nazri : Ntah la, ada lojik jugak cakap Keng Yaik tu. Memang la orang Melayu rela mati untuk UMNO tapi rela ka dia mati untuk kita?

Pak Lah : Apa yang orang Melayu tak puaih hati lagi dengan kita? Kita bagi macam-macam kat depa, apa lagi dia mau?

Kah Ting : Lu mau tau ka? Dia olang tengok sumua itu UMNO punya olang besar manyak kaya. Bikin lumah banyak besar. Keleta 4, 5, sumua mahal-mahal punya. Dulu punya Melayu punya UMNO punya olang tak buat itu macam. Kalau dia kaya pun, dia tak tunjuk sama olang. Sekalang punya UMNO punya olang manyak sombong oh. Dia kaya, dia selalu tunjuk. Dia tak takot punya. Itu olang Melayu biasa tak suka la ini macam punya sombong punya olang.

Nazri : Apa, salah ka dia beli rumah besar dan kereta besar? Apa orang Cina saja ka buleh beli rumah besar. Pak Lah, letak Kah Ting kat Tanjong tengok. Jom kita tengok orang Cina suka kat dia ka tak?

Keng Yaik : Tak salah, tapi baru 2, 3 hari jadi menteri sudah kaya ka? Dia punya gaji berapa? Dulu jaga gate keretapi sekarang boleh bikin Istana, orang tak heran ka la Pak Lah? Your weakness ah, is that you think the Malays are stupid. They are not la Pak Lah. Many have opened their eyes la. Many are not ignorant anymore.

Pak Lah : Alah, kalau kalah pun, kalah sikit saja.

Keng Yaik : Sorry ha Pak Lah if I say something. You have been sleeping too much, you have lost touch with reality.

Pak Lah : I think ah Keng Yaik, you don't resign la. This year you stand in Permatang Pauh, mau ka?

Samy : Pak Lah, saya macam mana?

Pak Lah : Meeting adjourn la, semua balik dulu. Saya mengantok ni. Nanti lain kali la.
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