Muslim celebrates Aidil Adha as token of gratitude, grateful to divine where the victory is not only in the pilgrimage alone, but it will more of it is related to an incident that occurred in the Muslim’s history.
Aidil Adha or Hari Raya Haji is celebrated in festivals around the world. It is the largest in the Muslim festival Eid is celebrated on the other every 1 Syawal. Aidil Adha is celebrated on the day of the 10, 11, 12 and 13 months of Dhul-Hijjah every year. Takbir Aidil Adha begins with the night 10-Hijjah, followed by prayers and the Aidil Adha sermon (khutbah) in the morning 10-Hijjah, the response was followed with a sacrifice can be performed either on 10 or 11 or 12 or day 13-Hijjah.
Aidil Adha is a special celebration because it is a day for Muslims to commemorate the sacrifice story of Ibrahim in the fulfilment of God's commandments and to-impatient son Ismail in order to meet Allah SWT.
In addition, one of the privileges of Aidil Adha and the Day Tasyrik victims were worship. Rituals of sacrifice can only be done in four days after the start time of the preacher delivered a sermon before the Aidil Adha until the sun sank on the 13th day of Dhul-Hijjah.
In terms of language, meaning close to the victim, while in terms it means the exercise of religious orders or obey the commands of God because he wants to draw closer to Him.
Sacrifice Feast falls on the tenth day of the month-Hijjah, the last month of the Islamic Hijra calendar. 10 Hijjah is an important date in the history of Islam where Prophet Adam and his wife Hawa were removed from heaven and down to earth before the meeting at Arafat, outside the city of Mecca .
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Healthy cow, one of the animal that can be sacrificed |
On the day, circumcised Muslims wearing the most beautiful, cleanest, and also wearing perfume. On the morning of the feast of sacrifice, the Muslims will perform Hari Raya prayers of two rakaats. Normally the Aidil Adha prayers accelerated slightly compared with Eid prayers. Accelerated a bit of wisdom Adha prayers are to give more time to slaughter the sacrifice. A little wisdom passed Eid prayers will be to allow an opportunity for those who are not fulfilling their obligation to pay zakat and desirable to eat before going to the mosque.
However for the Aidil Adha, the wisdom of the next meal is desirable that the first food eaten on that day is a blessing meat. After prayers, the sacrifice will be initiated. Cows, goats, and sheep are sacrificed to be slaughtered before distributed to the public, especially to those in need.
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The meat will be distributed to poor people |
Hari Raya Haji is celebrated when Muslims make the pilgrimage to Mecca, to visit the Kaabah and sacrifices. Al-Quran does not say, but the Muslims hold that this festival commemorates the sacrifice Ibrahim's willingness to give his son as a sacrifice to God.
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Also known as Hari Raya Haji is celebrated when Muslims make the pilgrimage to Mecca |
After the prayer, Muslims will once again flock to cemeteries to visit loved ones. Everyone will be wearing new clothes, the young will ask forgiveness from the parents and after that everyone will touch a variety of dishes prepared before visting each other.
Salam Aidil Adha 1431 H / 2010 from me
Salam Aidiladha. thanks for dropping by at my blog. :)
Tolong lapah daging tak tadi?
Syeeda - u r welcome. thx to you too :)
Mohd Shahrul Hafizi - x sempat nk tlg la... lembu punx sempat nk tgk huhuuuu Encik tolongkah? hakhakahk
Great info!
Thanks for sharing!
Salam Adiladha! :)
Hahaha. Aku pun tak tolong. Bagi can kat pakcik-pakcik la kat taman perumahan ni. Aku tolong melantak gulai je.
good info. slamat hari raya ;)
salam aidiladha~~ =) nice to noe u here!!keep in touch
Fara - salam aidiladha juga. Kalu berguna amikla :)
Shahrul - bijak bijak hehehe
Encik Psychopath - Thx yeah
izee - salam aidiladha juga. Thx for dropping by :)
Just what I need - an explanation on Raya Haji in English.
Baru hari tu my Filipino friend tanya why are we celebrating Raya Haji ni... lama gak la nak cari word utk explain tu. :)
Terima kasih! :)
HR - dengan bantuan Amaniz Carikata, idea nie dipost dgn jayanya. Ayat/isi agak berterabur sikit rupanya bila baca2 balik hehhee. sblm share ngan sape2 edit2 la dulu. tonggang langgang lak rasanya
salam aidiladha.. :)
(takbir raya,)
great and holly day
akufobia - salam aidiladha. Semayang raya x? heheh
Raja fresh - Full of inspiration :)
salam aidiladha
Salam Aidiladha...1431H
Mr.Mind & zmah - Salam Aidil Adha juga utk kalian
selamat hari raya aidiladha...
salam eid mubarak :)
eita & Siti - Salam Aidil Adha. Moga mendpt keberkatan
Wish u Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya Korban.. =)
Sky8Men - Tq n salam aidil adha. Berkorban demi agama,negara dan ibubapa :)
Sky8Men - Tq n salam aidil adha. Berkorban demi agama,negara dan ibubapa :)
Nice sharing info...
Sejauhmana pengorbanan yg mampu kita lakukan. Sekadar semolih lombu ko, korban kasih ko, korban buah pinggang ko or korban fisabilillah..fikri fikir
mamawana - yeap. Semua org sebut pasal pengorbanan. Tapis ejauh mana pengorbanan kita tue? Salam Aidil Adha kak
Very good information..... Satu perkara yang patut kita tonjolkan kepada masyarakat yang tidak seagama dgn kita agar mereka tahu....
Very good information..... Satu perkara yang patut kita tonjolkan kepada masyarakat yang tidak seagama dgn kita agar mereka tahu....
Fuziani JSR - Thx for the compliment. Just hoping it can be edited to improve the grammars and points and spread all over the internet
Salam Pirate, cikgu beraya sorang...bosan. Tp ikut gi tido rumah kawan, dapat gak solat sunat raya dan gi rumoh jiran dia. Selamat Belated Hari Raya Qurban!
MOH KEMBARA - Sama la saya cikgu... jauh dari sanak saudara wlpn sebenarnya dekat jugak la... dirog kat kedah sy di KL. nasib baik ada kawan2 di sini
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